English Speaking Classes-Pro


Thank you for using our English Speaking Classes WordPress Theme. We are very glad that you have chosen English Speaking Classes WordPress theme for your website.

English Speaking Classes theme is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme.

This document written very carefully by keeping mind set that it should be easy understand for Beginner to Advance user or developers. We have divided this document in 3 main section.

1) Getting Started : This section will very help full for Quick start and understand how setup theme
2) Detailed Document : This section explains every thing about theme with every settings.
3) Other : This section provides information about miscellaneous item like theme features etc.

If you have any query that is beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us at support@luzuk.com

English Speaking Classes pro wordpress theme
We offer theme customization. Get in touch for a quote.
Quick Search Tip: Access your browser search with keyboard shortcut "Crtl+F" (Windows) or "CD+F" (OSX) for instant results.


Step One

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information regarding to install the WordPress platform, please see the WordPress Codex  https://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress

1. Installation Via WordPress Admin area

  • Step 1. Log into your WordPress admin area.
  • Step 2. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes.
  • Step 3. Click on Add New Theme button at top.
  • Add New Theme
  • Step 4. Now, Hit Upload Theme button at top and upload.
  • Step 5. Click on Activate once upload has finished.

Step Two

2. Installation Using FTP

  • Step 1. Download home-renovation.zip file from your My Account luzuk.
  • Step 2. Extract Zip file.
  • Step 3. Using your FTP program, upload the non-zipped theme folder into the "/wp-content/themes/" folder on your server.
  • Step 4. Go to Dashboard » Appearance » Themes and find English Speaking Classes theme from list
  • Step 5. Click on Activate to active English Speaking Classes theme.
  • Active Theme

Detail Document

Header Setting

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Configuration >> Header Settings
  • 1. Set Sticky Header
  • 2. Select Navigation colors
  • 3. Select Responsive Header colors
  • Set Header contact
    Set Header contact
  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Configuration >> Site logo/title/tagline
  • a. Select Logo
  • b. Add Site Title
  • c. Add Site Tagline
  • d. Set Logo Max Width
  • e. Select Tagline Color
  • Set Header contact
  • Step 3. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Configuration >> Header Image
  • a. Select Header Image
  • set Header logo
  • Step 4. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Menus.
  • Step 5. Click on create a new menu as show in below image.
  • Step 6. Enter menu name and click on Create Menu as shown in below image.
  • Create a Menu

    Final display of Header

    Final display of header

Create Slider

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> English Speaking Classes Slider
  • Step 2. Click on Add New button
  • Add New Slider
  • Step 3. Add the slider name.
  • Step 4. Select featured image as a slider.
  • Step 5. Click on 'update' button at top right of page. And Enjoy the Slider.
  • set slider
  • Step 6. Slider Colors Setting
  • set slider
    set slider

    Final display of Slider Section:

    Final display of header

Set About Section

  • Step1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> About Section
  • Step2.
  • (a) Select Background Image and Background Color
  • (b) Set Section Padding
  • set Featured Page section
  • (c) Add Section Images Sub Heading & Heading & Contain & List & List Icon & Select Colors
  • set Featured Page section
    set Featured Page section
    set Featured Page section

    Final display of About Section

    set Featured Page section

Set Facility Section

  • Step 1 Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Facility Section
  • Step2.
  • (a) Set Disable/Enable
  • (b) Select Background Image and Background Color
  • (c) Set Section Padding
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 2
  • (a) Add Heading
  • (b) Select Number Of Members To Show
  • (c) Select Section Icon
  • (d) Add Title
  • set Featured Page section
    set Featured Page section

    Final display of Facility Section

    set Featured Page section

Services Section

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Services Section
  • Step 2.
  • (a) Set Disable/Enable
  • (b) Select Background Image and Background Color
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 3.
  • (a) Go to >> Dashboard >> Services >> Add New
  • set Featured Page section
  • (b) Add >> Title
  • (c) Add >> Description
  • (d) Set >> Featured Image
  • (e) Click On >> Publish Button
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 4.
  • (a) Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >>
  • (b) Select Number Of Services to show & Select Services Page
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 5.
  • (a) Select Colors
  • set Featured Page section

    Final display of Services Section

    set Featured Page section

Team Section

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Team Section
  • Step 2.
  • (a) Set Disable/Enable
  • (b) Select Background Image and Background Color
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 3.
  • (a) Go to >> Dashboard >> Team >> Add New
  • set Featured Page section
  • (b) Add >> Title
  • (c) Add >> Description
  • (d) Set >> Featured Image
  • (e) Click On >> Publish Button
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 4.
  • (a) Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >>
  • (b) Add Sub Heading & Heading
  • (c) Select Number Of Courses to show & Select Course Page
  • set Featured Page section
    set Featured Page section
    Step 5.
  • (a) Select Colors
  • set Featured Page section

    Final display of Team Section

    set Featured Page section

Our Testimonial Section

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Testimonial Section
  • Step 2.
  • (a) Enable/Disable Section
  • (b) Set Padding for Section
  • (c) Manage background by using Colors/Image
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 3.
  • (a) Add Background Image / Color
  • set Featured Page section
  • (a) Dashboard Testimonial Add New
  • set Featured Page section
    set Featured Page section
    Step 4.
  • (a) Select Testimonial Box
  • set Featured Page section
    Step 5 .
  • (a) Select Colors
  • set Featured Page section

    Final display of Testimonial Section

    set Featured Page section

Set Appointment Section

  • Step1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Appointment Section
  • (a) Select Background image or Background Color
  • (b) Set Padding for Appointment section
  • set Appointment section
  • (a) Select Background image or Background Color
  • Step 3.
  • Go to Dashboard Plugin >> Click on Add new button & install contact form 7 plugin & create contact form
  • Step 4.
  • Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Appointment Section
  • Add Contact form 7 shortcode & select colors
  • set Appointment section
    set Appointment section
    set Appointment section

    Final display of Appointment Section

    set Appointment section

Set Blog Section

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Home section >> Blog Section
  • (a) Select background image and background color
  • set Blog section
  • Step2.
  • (a) Add Section Heading
  • set Blog section
  • Step3. Go to Dashboard >> post >> Add New
  • (a) Add Post title
  • (b) Add Post Description
  • (c) Select Categories
  • (d) Select Tag
  • set blog custm Section
  • (e) select Featured Image
  • (f) Publish
  • (g) Select Number of post to show
  • set Blog section
  • (h) Add Button Display & Text Setting:
  • (i) Add Button Text
  • (j) Select Colors
  • set Blog section

    Final display of Blog Section

    set blog section

Setting up Page Template

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. Go to Add New button
  • set Page Template
  • Step 3. select template at right bottom of page
  • select template

To Arrange Section Sequence

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> Section Sequence
  • set Page Template

Set Blog page Setting

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> General Configuration >> Post page Date Settings
  • set Page Template
    set Page Template

Inner Pages


Setting up full width page

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. Click Add New button
  • Step 3. Select Default template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Add Title for page
  • Step 5. Add Content for page
  • Step 6. Click Publish button
  • select Full Width Page template

    Full Width Inner Page

    select Full Width Page template

Setting page with left sidebar

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. Click Add New button
  • Step 3. Select Page With Left Sidebar template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Click publish button
  • select Page With Left Sidebar template

    Page With Right Sidebar Inner Page

    select Page With Left Sidebar template

Set Inner Page Settings

  • Step1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> General configuration >> Inner page settings
  • set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb

Set Inner Page Colors:

  • Step1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> General configuration >> Colors
  • set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb


Setting up full width blog

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. Click Add New button
  • Step 3. Select Blog Full Width template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Click publish button
  • select Blog Full Width template

    Blog Full Width Inner Page

    select Blog Full Width template

Setting blog with left sidebar

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. ClickAdd New button
  • Step 3. Select Blog With Left Sidebar template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Click publish button
  • select Blog With Left Sidebar template

    Blog With Left Sidebar Inner Page

    select Blog With Left Sidebar template

Setting blog with right sidebar

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. ClickAdd New button
  • Step 3. Select Blog With Right Sidebar template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Click publish button
  • select Blog With Right Sidebar template

    Blog With Right Sidebar Inner Page

    select Blog With Right Sidebar template

Contact Us

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • Step 2. Click Add New button
  • Step 3. Select Contact Page template at right bottom of page
  • Step 4. Click publish button
  • select Contact Page template
  • Step 5. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Contact Us Page
  • (a) Add Form Title & Form Shortcode
  • Step 6. fill Contact us details
  • (1) Add Address Label
  • (2) Add Address
  • (3) Contact us Email label
  • (4) Contact us Email
  • (5) Add Contact us Phone Label
  • (6) Add Contact us phone no.
  • (7) Select Colors
  • (8) Add Contact us map code & SElect map color
  • select Contact Page template
    select Contact Page template
    select Contact Page template
    select Contact Page template
    select Contact Page template

    Contact Us Inner Page

    select Contact Page template


Setting up FAQ'S Shortcode

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • (i) Click Add New button
  • (ii) Add FAQ'S Shortcode "[FAQS]"
  • (iii) Select Default template
  • (iv) click publish button

  • Step 2. Used FAQ shortcode in page
  •  testimonial

    After adding shortcode FAQ'S look


Setting up Team Shortcode

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • (i) Click Add New button
  • (ii) Add Team Shortcode "[TEAMLIST]"
  • (iii) Select Default template at right bottom of page
  • (iv) Click publish button

  • Step 2. Used Team shortcode in page
  •  Team
  • Step 3. Go to Dashboard >> Teams >> Add New
  • 1. Add Member Name
  • 2. Add Social Media Links
  • 3. Add Designation
  • 4. Set Featured Image
  • 5. Click On Publish Button
  • After adding shortcode Team look


Setting up Testimonial Shortcode

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • (i) Click Add New button
  • (ii) Add Testimonial Shortcode "[TESTIMONIALS]"
  • (iii) Select Default template at right bottom of page
  • (iv) click publish button

  • Step 2. Used Testimonial shortcode in page
  •  testimonial

    After adding shortcode Testimonial look


Setting up services Shortcode

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • (i) Click Add New button
  • (ii) Add services Shortcode "[SERVICES]"
  • (iii) Select Default template at right bottom of page
  • (iv) click publish button

  • Step 2. Used services shortcode in page
  •  testimonial

    After adding shortcode service look


Setting up courses Shortcode

  • Step 1. Go to Dashboard >> Page
  • (i) Click Add New button
  • (ii) Add services Shortcode "[COURSE]"
  • (iii) Select Default template at right bottom of page
  • (iv) click publish button

  • Step 2. Used courses shortcode in page
  •  testimonial

    After adding shortcode courses look

Set all Shortcode Page Colors

  • Step1. Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customizer >> General configuration >> Color Setting for shortcode pages
  • set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb
    set Breadcrumb